power of social HR:Social HR now helping Nigerian businesses

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Social HR now helping Nigerian businesses :power of social HR

Some years back when companies started embracing social media, when they started the use of social media to reach out to the right people to employ, most people think the Internet is not the best place to hunt for staffs rather it should be done through the traditional way has it had been before. Although right now we have seen the power of social media abd have accepted that the best hand for any recruitment job could be gotten through social media.

The year 2004 precisely was a profounding year indeed because most companies really for the first time found out that social media is more than just passing messages across to their clients and customers and also receiving feedback but also reaching out to those in the Labour Market.

This interesting revelation revolutionised Recruitment process not only in Nigeria but all over the world. A lot of government agencies has now adopted the use of social media to reach out to millions of unemployment persons within a short period of time.

Let’s share some reasons with you why social HR is important.

Saves More Resources:


You save more resources carrying out reaching out to the right people online.
Money that should be spent on newspaper, radio jingo etc are extremely high and not only that the it’s time consuming
LinkedIn for an example has about 10 million job being posted there on daily basis, the same goes to twitter and and on major job recruitment portal.

Now if you decide to reach out to same number of people via radio or TV you are going to spend more on different station across the 36 states of Nigeria and that cost more, only few companies can actually afford that. Small businesses are now seizing the opportunity by relying on getting the RIGHT social HR that will utilise the power of social media, cut down cost to the minimum level and still get more than what they would have gotten if they had used to TV and radio adverts.

Employers Meet job seekers In Their Relaxed State:

Ones a job get posted with the help of Social HR, employer get to meet the best people that best fits the job description.

First Google has to index all job posting and that are most recent and display them to the relevant right potential people and they get to start applying,checking the company’s profile and what their mission, objectives and goals are.

Employers on the other hand tend to evaluate employees, look into their social activities which is the “real you” and might decide to hire or move over to the next person that indicated interest.

Large Talent Pool:

Let’s Take Twitter and LinkedIn which has become pool of talent of recent, Nigerians seeking for job opportunities are now displaying rare genius that are never seen before. Job seekers are now taking the bull by it horn by pitching themselves to employers of labour to be hired and given that job that fits their job description as against companies coming to seek them out.

This altogether makes everything more less expensive, more easier for employers and recruitment agencies to spot the best talents from the comfort of their home.

Increased Social Presence:

Have you thought of hiring someone who could help project your brand? Most times some one who is active on social media could better do the magic and this could impact positively on your brand.

When getting the Social media HR, it’s best companies access their level of engagement with the outside world via social media. They should help project the company brand because of a company’s reputation is ruined, potential job seekers who have all qualifications might end up turning down any proposal from the Coy. Because they also carry extensive research.

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