NDLEA Recruitment 2024/2025 emplug.com portal www.ndlea.gov.ng

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NDLEA Recruitment  emplug.com portal www.ndlea.gov.ng|Application Form Is NDLEA recruiting?how can I apply for National Drug Law Enforcement Agency Recruitment?

NDLEA list of shortlisted candidate is out check your names here

NDLEA documentation starts from at 0900 hours daily.

In this article we shall share all valuable information as regards NDLEA Recruitment that will guide you to submit your application via www.ndlea.gov.ng.

We are going to discuss more on NDLEA selection process, requirement and NDLEA list of shortlisted candidate.

National Drug Law Enforcement Agency (NDLEA) recruitment 


NDLEA is an agency charge with elimination of hard drugs. They are mostly stationed at the entry and exit point of the country. The agency started it operation in 1990.

Ndlea fight against drug abuse

NDLEA Recruitment  Requirements

Recruitment for NDLEA will be through the application portal, you are expected to fill in the application form and complete the process, also you should print out the application slip and upload the necessary documents.

  • Depending on the position you are applying for, it’s best you possess the right academic qualifications.
  • Also its only physically and mentally fit personnel shall be recruited by NDLEA, for this purpose please ensure you get certified by a health care officer notably from Government owned hospital.
  • Another interesting requirement is that all applicants for NDLEA Job must be of good behaviour, free from crime and should be debt free.
  • If shortlisted from NDLEA first stage, you might be undergo random illicit drug abuse test to check if you meet the requirements.

Please note these Points as you apply for NDLEA Recruitment

  1. You should possess the academic qualifications.
  2. Carry out your application via NDLEA Recruitment portal.
  3. The National Drug Law Enforcement Agency only recruit those that pass their screening test and interview.
  4. The job is free to apply as long as you are a Nigerian.

The minimum Required Documents you should have are:

  • All your academic certificate right from first school leaving to Tertiary education.
  • You need recent passport that was taken not less than 6 months ago.
  • You will present your local Government identity certificate.
  • Importantly you need your NIN for proper identification purposes.
  • Your NYSC discharge certificate will be requested for specific Higher position.

How To Apply For NDLEA Recruitment 

Ndlea screening centers

https://ndlea.gov.ng/careers/ (not available) or http://www.emplug.com/ The above requirement portal can only be accessed when ever the portal has been activated for NDLEA Recruitment. See: DSS recruitment

NDLEA recruitment: 8 key requirements you need to be eligible

  1. Applicant for the National Drug Law Enforcement Agency (NDLEA) must fill and complete the online registration form. They are also meant to upload a clear and recently taken passport photograph.
  2. NDLEA applicant are expect to be computer literate.
  3. It is expected for prospective recruit to be certified fit by a health practitioner from Government hospital preferably.
  4. financial insolvency or bankruptcy can disqualify an applicant.
  5. www.emplug.com is open for eligible Nigerians to sign up.
  6. There are vetting forms which must be filled by all applicants.
  7. Illicit drug test is a must for all, so prepare for this compulsory test.
  8. NDLEA portal will be open for 4 weeks,apply within this period.

NDLEA not discriminating against PWD in recruitment — Spokesman

The National Drug Law Enforcement Agency has come out to debunked a claim that suggests they are discriminating against those who are disabled in their ongoing recruitment.

You can recall that the president of the federal Republic of Nigeria, gave an approval of recruitment to be done in NDLEA, this approval will see to it that over 5000 candidates or qualified Nigerians are recruited into the agency.

Ndlea portal for recruitment purposes

Some Nigerians that has one form of disability or the other protested and laid siege at the gate of the agency with claims that they won’t be recruited or are not given the chance to prove themselves.

The spokes person of the agency said that the agency is giving equal opportunity to Nigerians to apply and will never discriminate against anyone or any category of person whether disable or not, what they are interested about is for applicant to meet the recruitment conditions given.

He further said that recruitment into NDLEA is on personal basis or one on one basis and they are not pressured by any group, union to circumvent the recruitment process.

Functions of National Drug Law Enforcement Agency (NDLEA)

  • NDLEA strives to recover ill accumulated wealth gotten from and considered as proceed from sales of hard drugs.
  • NDLEA jobs is to maintain Nigerians image before the international community and even at home here.
  • They trace, arrest drugs dealers within the shores of Nigeria and handover them to the Nigerian police for prosecution.
  • NDLEA ensures that illegal drugs does not find it way to the market , they locate farms, factories and spot where hard drugs are produced, sold and make arrest of persons involved in the crime.

Salary structure of NDLEA

The National Drug Law Enforcement Agency (NDLEA) salary is based on the steps or grade level of an employee.

Please note that the salary structure is determined by the Consolidated Paramilitary Salary Structure (CONPASS) this is because NDLEA is considered by law to be a paramilitary outfit.

Another factor that determine how much one receives at the end of the month is his level of education. If you applied with an HND certificate then you will be placed on level 7.

Those who are applying with university degree will be placed on level 8 if they are recruited.

Now if you are placed on level 8 step 1 as a BSc holder you will get ₦1,004,805 If you are moved a little higher to step 2 on the same level of level 8, then you will receive ₦1,019,357.

The annual salary for NDLEA B.sc holders Grade Level 8 Step 1 is about ₦1,004,805 while Grade Level 8 Step 2 is about ₦1,019,357 including all allowances.

This means that the total salary is calculated thus: Level 8 step 1 = CONPASS + Rent Allowance ₦888,956 + ₦115,849 = ₦1,004,805 (total annual salary). i.e ₦83,733 (monthly)

Then that of HND holders placed on Grade Level 7 Step 1 is ₦573,287. Level 7 step 1 = CONPASS + Rent Allowance ₦483,014 + ₦92,273.9 = 573,287 (total annual salary). i,e ₦44,773 (monthly)

Level 8 step 1 = CONPASS + Rent Allowance₦888,956 + ₦115,849
Level 7 step 1 = CONPASS + Rent Allowance₦483,014 + ₦92,273.9

What are the requirement for Ndlea recruitment?

  1. NDLEA Recruitment is straight forward,first you should be a Nigerian.
  2. Secondly you should meet the age requirements (18 to 35 years of age)
  3. Get all relevant credentials.
  4. Prepare the perfect CV.
  5. Get your NIN.
  6. You should scale through the illicit drug test.
  7. You should have a bright mind and also well behaved.

Is Ndlea recruitment form out?

The National Drug Law Enforcement Agency Recruitment form is out. Only qualified Nigerians will be shortlisted for recruitment.

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