Pound (GBP) to Naira Black Market Rate 2024

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How much is a pound to naira in black market?How much is naira to a pound today?How much is a British pound to a Naira?

Due to the recent policy from central banks, let’s update on bank rates for now

GBP to Naira Black Market Rate Today

Dollar to Naira (GBP to NGN) Black Market Exchange Rate Today
Selling Rate 2060
Buying Rate 2030
Pounds to Naira (GBP to NGN) CBN Official Exchange Rate Today
Selling Rate  
Buying Rate  
July 26, 2024US DOLLAR15951580
July 26, 2024POUNDS STERLING20602030
July 26, 2024EURO17181700

What is the exchange rate of pounds to naira? Are you interested in knowing today’s current exchange rate to that of British pounds and sterling? In this article you will get to know everything about GBP to naira black market rate.
GBP is no doubt belongs to the league of oldest currency in the world and as at today the inflation rate is pegged at just 0.10%.

Please note that the CBN policies do have a great influence on the GBP to naira exchange rate, if it favours the Naira, the Naira will gain or appreciate significantly against the pounds both in the parallel market and the forex market. On a lighter note, any new policy adopted by the CBN impacts the black market exchange rate.

Other factors that affect the pounds to naira exchange rate is the activities of hoarders who would rather hold on to their pounds than dispose it off, just to cash out big time.

Aminu Gwadebe, president of ABCON, had blamed the illegal cash evacuation that is normally done through the Nigerian boarders as one of the factors responsible for fall in Naira against pounds in the parallel exchange market.

If the CBN wants to boast the strength of Naira then it must be ready to consistently inject more liquidity into the retail sector of the fx market as this will go a long way to curb the illegal activities of mostly hoarders.

Please note that if central bank of Nigeria fails to constantly inject liquidity then the huge demand for GBP (pounds) by the manufacturers and foreign investors will dry up the scarce liquidity in the market and thereby mount pressure on the already volatile market driving the pounds upwards.

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